About Dee Black
Dee Black is currently a producer,song writer and CEO of HiSStory Music Group. He has a roster of four artist that are committed to God and ready to take over the world for him. He is a Minister and director of a youth church consisting of a 100 plus youth and growing . He once had success in secular music before turning his life over to God and walking away from a major label offer. He has shared the stage with secular artist such as Nas, The roots and others. Although his music is christian based he is influenced by artist such as, Stevie Wonder, Mos Def, Nas, Curtis mayfield among others. He lives what he speaks and that solidifies his music.
Stevie wonder,Nas,
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That's What You Are (promo video)

Category: Entertainment
Duration: 00:05:02
Duration: 00:05:02
Single available on Itunes, napster, rhapsody, amazon etc. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/thats-what-you-are/id385025988?i=385025991