Priest-Hood Family

About Priest-Hood Family

"Music is universal, it can reach the masses. I use it to preach the gospel, because they got to have it” Priest-Hood Family has been preaching the Gospel through music for 7 years strong. GOD appointed and annointed true missionaries and disciples. Spreading the Gospel from the pulpit to the streets with widsom and knowledge from on high. The members are Martin Powell, Donald Hampton, Thomas Stewart III, and Theophilus Farmer; ministering out of Memphis, TN. The group was formed with a mission to let all know that Jesus saves, heals, and is still alive. With many ministry opportunities and appearences, Priest-Hood Family has made an impact in many people lives with life changing experiences.
Priest-Hood Family is currently finishing up their 3rd Album entitled "Resurrected" and has already released the video and the single "Resurrected.
The Family has participated in The Stone Awards in Memphis three times as well as The Holy Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta, GA..
Special Thanks to GOD, the author and finisher of our faith, all pastors, ministers, family, friends, people of GOD, our wives, Spirit of Life, Bishop Eric Farmer, House of Mtenzi, Stanely “Cam” Cambell, City of Memphis, Atlanta, Nashville, Pure Breed, Young Titan, all other gospel artist, and congratulaters. We love you and without your your support of our ministry, we wouldn’t be where we are now. We are looking to do bigger and better things. Keep us in your prayers and get ready for a Mighty Move of GOD.


Fred Hammond, Andre Crouch, Canton Jones, Lacre, Dice Gamble

Recently Rated:


Blood of Jesus Remix

Blood of Jesus Remix

album: Ministry of Music

genre: Contemporary Gospel

streams: 19

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