
About david_singleten


After spending my teenage years in sin, I felt like God didn’t want me anymore. I didn’t doubt God’s power to save me, but I did doubt his desire to. I was a violent, angry, sexually promiscuous sinner that always knew better but never did better. I was sure God destined me to hell. I knew I didn’t deserve heaven, or a relationship with him. But through a book by C.S Lewis, I learned that Jesus died knowing that I didn’t deserve his grace, but he chose to love me and die for me anyway. After that, I gave my life to him and he began to change me from the inside out.

Military & Ministry

Shortly after becoming a Christian, I joined the Coast Guard and moved from my hometown in Florida all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There I fell in love with the bible. I would literally read my bible for 16 hours straight on some of my days off. I became so enamored with Jesus that I couldn’t keep him to myself. I began a bible study at work and regularly did street evangelism in the inner city. I attended and served my local church, and some older brothers in the faith took me under their wings and taught me so much about life, godliness, and living out the bible.


I was transferred to Los Angeles, California. There I got involved with youth ministry and gang intervention. I spent most of my free time disciplining young men who didn’t have many positive Christian figures in their lives.

After a few short years California, I exited the military and became an inner city Youth Pastor at a small church in Lansing, Michigan.


Previously before salvation, I was involved with music, poetry, and public speaking. In Lansing is where I really started to see it as a tool for the kingdom. I would regularly go to a local juvenile detention center and rap and speak to young people awaiting trial or serving their sentences. I was blown away by the impact it made. I saw dozens of young people give their lives to Jesus.

I began to post videos of me doing poetry, playing piano, and rapping on Facebook. I have been able to see thousands of people impacted and have life changing experiences through my music. My desire is to be able to reach many more people with the gospel through these means.

I recently released “A Sincere Introduction.”  It is a short album mostly recorded in a friend of mine basement. It chronicles my life and struggles, and it is truly a sincere introduction to me as an artist but more importantly as a follower of Jesus Christ. "I've Been Praying" and "Dad Was Locked Up" are composites of testimonies shared by students and young men during youth ministry.


Otherwise, I have a wife and three small children who I love more than anything in this world. I currently reside in  North Florida and work in business. 

If you would like to know anything else about me, don’t hesitate to ask. I try to respond to everybody but every once in a while, an email gets buried, and I might miss it. Please blame it on my head and not my heart. 

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@david-singleten8 years ago
Posted a new blog:
The Art of Not Drifting: 6 ways to paddle upstream in the Christian Music Industry.
KB wrote a masterpiece called the "art of drifting". The song describes the ugly fall of a Christian entertainer. The story is not foreign one, a once dedicated...
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