
About mrsears1


Mike Sears was born and raised on the east side, in the great city of Detroit. With a passion for music and an intrinsic desire for business at an early age, he was later afforded the opportunity to study music and business at Ferris State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Industry Management. He would later go on to receive a Master’s degree from Full Sail University in Entertainment Business. Sears has over 20 years of experience as a recording artist and in several roles behind the scenes. His most recent project is his debut album entitled, “Life of a Champion” with the first single, “Judgment Day” is currently available for digital download on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Spotify.


The Winans Family, The Clark Sisters, Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Kim Burrell, Rakim, J. Moss, Kirk Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Hezekiah Walker, LL Cool J, Eminem and The Ambassador.

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@mrsears19 years ago
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"Very nice song!"
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